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Education & Awareness

Learn how our education and awareness initiatives empower communities and the new Fijian generations with knowledge about responsible pet ownership and animal welfare.

Our education and awareness initiatives are at the forefront of our mission to create a compassionate society for animals. We conduct educational talks, school excursions, and outreach activities to empower communities with knowledge about responsible pet ownership, animal welfare, and the importance of humane treatment. By promoting understanding and empathy, we're building a culture of compassion for animals across Fiji.

School Education

One of the most rewarding aspects of our work is creating change for future Fijian generations. Our staff love sharing their passion for animal welfare with Fijian children and their enthusiasm for animals is difficult to resist! 

Whenever possible during our outreach clinics our Veterinarians and Vet Assistants talk to school aged children about how to care for animals and the joy they can bring to their lives Our hope for the near future is to petition the Ministry of Education to include an animal welfare subject into the Fiji curriculum--ensuring every school child is taught about animal welfare and the One-Health Policy.

Enquire about School Excursions and Education Programs