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Community Outreach

Inspiring those in cities, towns and villages to care for and give a voice to the animals of Fiji

Our Community Outreach programs are at the heart of our mission to create a compassionate society for animals and humans alike. Through educational opportunities, vet consultations, and general check-ups, we engage with communities across Fiji, promoting responsible pet ownership and providing valuable resources. By reaching out to remote areas and underserved communities, we're empowering individuals to care for their animals and fostering a culture of sustainable animal welfare practices.

We know that community is at the heart and soul of Fijian life and we are proud to be part of the local communities in the Northern and Western Divisions. We have facilitated horse hoof care workshops to empower the community to care for their livestock, been welcomed into villages to provide education and care for their animals and are proud to be part of community events such as the International School Nadi's Fun Day where we can continue to shine the light on animal welfare.

If you have any community events you would like us to be a part of please get in contact.