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Become a Manumanu (Animal) Missionary

We need your help! Join us in the fight towards creating a safer, healthier, and happier Fiji for our animals--and humans. Foster, volunteer, or be the animal advocate of your community.

Community engagement is the key to success with animal welfare and humane population control in Fiji.

Animals Fiji is at it's best helping the animals when we have the community and life in the community is better with our help in animal welfare.

We have a range of Animals Fiji Manumanu Missionary roles that are made to suit anyone who loves animals and want to help make their community and the lives--animals and humans alike--better.

Animals Fiji Manumanu Missionaries Volunteer Job List

  • Foster Carer - temporary guardian of an Animals Fiji animal until it finds its forever home. (click here for more on fostering)
  • Animal Advocate - become the voice for the voiceless in your community by coordinating neighbors and friends to desex and help us promote animal welfare on the ground.
  • Transport Team - provides transport for patients and their owners to and from the clinic or collects and delivers supplies to and from the clinic.
  • Dog Walker - attends the clinic and walks the shelter dogs.
  • Puppy Pal - attends the clinic and socialises the puppies.
  • Kitten Club - attends the clinic and socialises the kittens.
  • Shelter Hand - helps clean and feed the shelter animals in Nadi or during an outreach clinic
  • Fundraising and Donation Team - help organise, prepare and run fundraising events and initiatives, seek approval from the Animals Fiji staff and implement initiatives, source donations or organise donation drives.
  • Social Media Team - help organise social media posts and videos and submit to the Animals Fiji staff for approval.
  • Community Pet Feeders - feed animals in the local community.
  • Shelter Working B Team - assist with renovations, building, gardening and other construction/handy type jobs in our clinics.
  • Toy Making Team - design and make basic toys for shelter, foster and adoption animals and also for fundraising in our clinics.