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Sponsor a dog

Adult dogs have a very slow adoption rate, so they tend to spend many months with us before finding their fur-ever home. You can help support them by sponsoring our Animals Fiji shelter dogs.

All dogs for adoption are between are 6 months and older. They are desexed (spayed or neutered) prior to being available for adoption. As with all animals up for adoption, our shelter dogs are up to date with their vaccinations and treatments of intestinal worms, fleas, ticks, and heartworm prevention, which the new owner will have to maintained post-adoption.

Many of the adult dogs have come from extreme neglect and/or abuse, yet despite all of their hardships they are loving and giving animals waiting for a family to adopt them and love them forever.

The adoption fee for any animal is FJ $50 per animal and includes a starter pack of flea and worming prevention. Adoption fees are subsidised to make the cost of adopting a pet affordable to members of our community. The actual costs to us on average is FJ$350 per animal for their care and treatments during the time they are with our shelter.  Please sponsor our adult dogs by making a donation below- your donation will go towards covering the $300 gap which in turn will allow us to take in more dogs needing a loving home.